
Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's Okay Thursday Link Up!

Hooray for Thursday! Even better is that it is a short school week this week because of Easter. No work tomorrow, and no work on Monday. Yippee!!!

Tomorrow my fiance and I are planning on going to visit his family. We're going to skip out on the big Easter dinner on Sunday, but we wanted to work in a visit. Thankfully, his family doesn't have an issue with that. I also thought it was really cute that his mother asked me to bring more toffee (a treat I typically make for Christmas). She tried really hard to ask in a way that it didn't sound like she was demanding it, and I thought it was sweet. Needless to say, I have a batch of toffee cooling on the counter now.

On to the things that I'm okay with this week.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's okay...

...that my fiance and I aren't attending the big family Easter dinner.

...that I essentially negate the benefits of eating fruit for a snack by adding a lot of sugar to it (I'm loving buying frozen strawberries and raspberries for snacking at night).

...that I'm thinking about upgrading to an iPhone even though my current phone is just over a year old. It's been doing really stupid things lately, and I've had to shut it down and turn it back on at least once a day for the past several days to get it to behave normally. *sigh*

...that I just made a Real Techniques brush order. They just released a limited edition duo-fiber brush set, and I LOVE duo-fiber brushes (you have to like them on Facebook or subscribe to their newsletter to have access to the set). 

...that I bought Peeps this week for the sole purpose of blowing the up in the microwave. 

... that my favorite jeans ripped this week. :-( 

...that I'm being completely impatient waiting for a package to arrive in the mail.

What's okay with you this week? Any amazing plans for Easter weekend?


  1. YEAH BLOWN UP PEEPS!!! I have to say I am completely in love with your post this week and in awe of your Martha-ness with the toffee...

    We will be getting ready for the family at our house! EEEEEE

    1. Awww...thanks. :-) The toffee is less about being Martha-like than it is about family. My grandma taught my mom how to make it, and mom taught me. The bonus is that I don't really like toffee, so I can make it and not be tempted to eat it.

      Good luck with your family Easter!

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